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          Tekno-Medical Intubation Forceps after Magill

          Forceps according to Magill for intubation

          SKU: 188258
          Package: 1 piece(s)

          Selection: for children, 20 cm

          €23.68 inc. VAT*
          €19.90 ex. VAT*

          plus shipping costs »

          Item in stock

          The delivery will take place between the 18.02.2025 and 21.02.2025

          Intubation Forceps after Magill

          The Magill-Forceps are medical forceps which, in contrast to dressing forceps, are angled. The jaws are roughened and widened. That's why the Magill-Forceps are especially suited for use in the mouth/throat region. They are often used in combination with laryngoscopy for the removal of foreign matter from the upper respiratory tract, for positioning of the tube in nasal intubation, as well as for the insertion of stomach probes into the esophagus.

          Like other medical instruments, the Magill-Forceps is made of metal and therefore autoclavable. The inventor was the Irish anesthesiologist Ivan Whiteside Magill, who also designed a special endotracheal tube.

          Magill-Forceps are made in various sizes. For adults the total length is 24 cm, for children 20 cm and for infants 16 cm.

          Product Type: Reusable Instruments