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          Dr. Früh Control Bowie-Dick Testing System

          Bowie-Dick test for steam sterilizers

          SKU: 156688
          Package: 30 piece(s)

          Selection: Bowie-Dick Multiple Test

          €54.62 inc. VAT*
          (€1.82 / 1 piece(s))
          €45.90 ex. VAT*
          (€1.53 / 1 piece(s))

          plus shipping costs »

          Item in stock

          The delivery will take place between the 14.02.2025 and 18.02.2025

          Bowie-Dick Testing System from Dr. Früh Control

          Lead-free, ready-to-use single-use test pack for the daily Bowie-Dick-Test, per DIN EN ISO 11140

          Single-use test pack for conducting the daily air removal and steam penetration tests at 134 °C in steam sterilizers with fractional pre-vacuum, as an alternative system for the Bowie-Dick-Test according to DIN EN ISO 11140-3. Indicator Class 2 nach DIN EN ISO 11140-1.

          Instructions for use
          1.Insert BAG-AutoCheck-Kit II test sheets between the white and green paper plies of the BAGAutoCheck test pack. Write the date on the package's coversheet.

          2.Open tension locks on the receptacle BAG-CCS pressure container, Best.-Nr. 7465, and deposit prepared test pack in it.

          3.Lock the tension locks on the BAG-CCS pressure container again.

          4.Center the BAG-Bowie-Dick test system on the bottom of the empty sterilization chamber, laying the paper flat.

          5.Start the Bowie-Dick cycle. (Program: 3.5 minutes hold time at 134°C).

          6.Remove pressure container from the sterilization chamber carefully, as it may still be hot. (if necessary, wear gloves)!

          7.Open the two tension locks on the pressure container and take out the test packet. Flip it open and take the BAG-AutoCheck-Kit II test sheets out for evaluation. Let the test pack air out until the next day.

          8. Check the BAG-AutoCheck-Kit II for color changes and notate the test results on the sheet. Keep indicator sheet to document the test.

          BAG-BD-Check II test passed indication

          Complete change of the indicator color from blue to black means that no disqualifying air pockets exist and uniform steam penetration occurred. The sterilizer is functioning properly.

          Test not passed

          Color change from blue to black is not completely uniform means that an air pocket in the center of the test pack prevented a complete change to black. A light blue or blue-green pale area in the the sheet's center indicates insufficient sterilization time, temperature or inadequate steam action. Double-check the testing set-up and repeat the Bowie-Dick test.

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